Jackdaws At Dusk

Jackdaws At Dusk

Saturday 6 March 2010

you tube footage


This link to Youtube footage shows a flock of jackdaws flying in their swarming patterns. It shows the light conditions that they prefer - which is quite when it's almost completely dark. The photo's taken yesterday have a lighter skyline than this footage, so I'll see which ones work best - possibly variations on the sketches I did yesterday with different colours in the background.

I was a bit bothered that the quality of the recording (as it is with all youtube footage) was quite grainy - even when i freeze framed i couldn't see a clear outline of the birds - but then I'm not planning on the painting being crystal clear either, the birds will sort of merge with the paint, I'll probably use oils so it'll be quite thick. There are also got more photo's I took yesterday, so if clearer images are needed for references than I can use them.

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